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Variable Rate Potassium  

RevScout yield data that has been calibrated is the perfect tool to identify areas that might need some extra potassium during the season. With ability of the calibrated RevScout Yield maps you can calculate how many T/ha is in the higher T areas. With blocks with big differences it will be beneficial for this seasons quality and next seasons tonnages.  

What Do You Need?




Application Method




Optimized Potassium fertilizer plans


Ensure nutrient availability for large fruit load for optimum quality and size


Reduce deficiency causing loss of yield and quality the following season


Reduced crop stress levels


Improves Flowering the following season

When to Apply Additional

Potassium based on Yield Maps

Using calibrated yield maps in the Yield Estimation tab on the RevToolbox, you can find the distribution of the yield variation in T/ha and size of zone in Ha. A top up based on the extra tons in each block can be made. 

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