Enabling Farms of the Future

RevScout Field Cameras
With RevScout Fruit Mapping, you can have confidence in your orchard's harvest. Our state-of-the-art technology uses in-house developed field cameras mounted on ATVs or tractors to map the density of fruit and flowers, creating real-time maps for calibration right after the survey. Partner with us to ensure that you have the most accurate information to make the best decisions for your agricultural business.

RevToolbox Data Portal
Included with your price of our RevScout mapping or as a stand alone product. With options of 10 m crop health monitoring with and or on demand 80 cm tree level crop images. The RevToolbox is your all in one crop management system. You can directly upload your fruit mapping and sizing data, UAV data, soil scans and soil chemical analysis. All of these maps can be compare on farm level or zoomed into a block to create inspection plans based on Google Earth maps downloads, then create and download variable rate application maps based on any data on your profile

On Demand Tree Level Canopy data
Utilizing on demand high resolution satellite imagery of between 50 and 80 cm allows for tree level data for precision fertilizer plans. With a booking through our agents we can provide you with new imagery in around 2 weeks, anywhere in the world.

Fruit Size Monitoring
Using Digital Calipers connected to field loggers, farmers can easily take weekly measurements of fruit size in the field. Using historical measurements we create growth models to predict fruit size at harvest.

EMI Soil Scanning

Looking for a fast and accurate way to map changes in productivity? Our electromagnetic induction soil scanning technology delivers detailed maps of soil electrical conductivity that helps plan soil surveys and block development, ensuring optimal crop productivity and profitability.